Sunday 26 April 2015

Why Compromise?


There's many times when a compromise will be the best scenario for keeping the peace/balance. However, we can't please everyone all the time by finding a middle ground and why should we if nobody gets what they really want? There's no point living by half measures!

My partner and I are pretty well aligned in our goals and have a level of ambition that benefits both in our decisions for achieving results. However, even those in the most harmonious partnerships will have their individual preferences and objectives that don't perfectly align - as will those making collaborations with friends, colleagues and other circles we move in. The fact of the matter is - we can't live meaningful existences if we're always making compromises. We have to play out our lives with integrity, which means being true to ourselves and others about what we want. In a relationship, this can be something as fundamental as making a decision whether or not to have children. It can also be taken down to a micro-level. ie. making decisions on food/drink, sleep, social & time spent doing essential tasks or the things that entertain or benefit us physically/mentally. And, providing we accept that each needs to allow the other to have what makes them happy, we can still be together, aligned to our paths and mutually happy.

Considering the needs of others is essential for success, even for those who act with extreme single-mindedness. Goal seekers/winners and high achievers can alienate themselves by ignoring the needs of others. It can be a lonely place. And without understanding that there are alternative viewpoints, there can be no measure of success. Because, working towards goals needs a reference point to start from. Connecting with others to establish a footing on progress - works either as a springboard for reinforcing one's own resolve, or as a way to present and learn a different and at times equally beneficial or better way for achieving what we all want. So collaboration is essential - as long as the result ensures both have a winning solution at the end.

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