Saturday 4 April 2015

Family Holidays


The first bank holiday of the year - and the longest, is the Easter weekend. It signifies the start of Spring, longer and lighter days and the beginning's of Summer just around the corner. That's why everyone goes crazy! It's a big deal and you have to get it right. A lot of us will have been sun-starved and only just surfacing from the winter cave. If, like me, you've been on special diets and alcohol free for the most part of the year, this is a weekend to let the hair down and indulge yourself. Usually, that's what happens on my bank holiday every year and quite often they will be lost weekends. So, for fear of coming through the fog on the other side, a different weekend awaits this year. A family trip away. What better opportunity to spend a few quality days with loved ones - playing with the kids on the beach, eating ice creams and being merry with a drink or two.

So, it's time to down tools. And that means switching off the phones, leaving email and Facebook status well alone and drawing the focusing towards having fun with the family that will impart special memories the kids can retain for future moments, so they, in turn can take our grand kids to the special places when it's their turn.

Family holidays are a treat for the soul. Make them happen and make them special. It's the best reward you can give yourself, a reality check on life - and will reveal to us what and who are the most important people in our lives.

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