Friday 17 April 2015

Carpe Diem


It's too much taken for granted that each night we go to sleep, there's another day waiting for us in the morning. When we're young and seemingly invincible, the days seem long and old age so far away. We make plans for the future and often put things off that we believe can be better done at a later date without being fully aware of the vulnerability of life. If we're lucky to be living in a war-free country, safe town/city, or place where the odds of seeing another day are already stacked in our favour, we'll still not think much of the ultimate conclusion that awaits us. We blindly live our early years and wait for that planned long retirement to come. 

Better odds
We feel indestructible in our 20's, even in our 30's we can push the boundaries, but in our 40's, the capacity to regenerate and heal, diminishes, so there has to be some consideration to health because by 50's and beyond, any damaging lifestyles & habits not put into check, will be even harder to remove or fix. 

It could be you
It's not a nice thought - but getting a life-threatening illness can be a bit of a lottery apparently. Fresh research indicates that following a healthy lifestyle free from stresses may give better odds for living a fuller life for longer, but it could all boil down to luck at the end of the day. So don't put off today what can be done tomorrow. Do make the most of your parents, grandparents, friends & loved ones and face each day as if it were your last. Chances are, focussing on the positives and surrounding yourself with love and purpose, will raise the odds of being around, healthy & healthy for a very long time...but don't delay - seize the day!

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