Thursday 9 April 2015

Taking Responsibility

Question: Why do we need to be told what to do all the time? Answer: Because we are lazy with ourselves. Unless we have some authoritarian watching over us all the time, we skip class, take shortcuts, knock of early, slouch on the couch and procrastinate. Sometimes the watchful eye comes from parents, teachers, police, managers - and other times from our conscience or inner voice. By forming our tasks and goals into schedules, writing down progress and setting out a plan that can be stuck to, we'll be formulating a task that over time will become habit. The inner voice - your built in sergeant major, will kick you into gear.

Expert Help
I visited a really great physiotherapist in north London yesterday who has given me some exercises to do which should, over the next couple of weeks, start to show some improvements in my flexibility/movement on a damaged elbow & shoulder. I've set up a plan for the times I will follow these exercise routines and I'm confident that my health will improve if I stick to them.

My friend, who recommended this physio - has told me he doesn't do the exercises and this means that he'll take a lot longer to recover and the physio sessions will be tougher and ultimately, he'll pay a lot more than if he helped himself. The bottom line is that we must take responsibility for our health and be the tough authoritarian when we need to get things done in order to better ourselves.

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