Wednesday 8 April 2015

Off The Grid


I've just had a really interesting chat with a psychologist this evening. The reason - I've just been through an extensive period of stress in a job where it's left me run ragged. I'm knackered both mentally and physically. This is not uncommon for someone of my age, particularly for a man, but we are not alone. There is a marked increase in cases for office workers showing signs of burnout and everything I've gone through, the psychologist has been through herself to some degree and so has her husband.

We're all stuck in a modern day burnout nightmare:
The psychologist recognised the symptoms in herself 10 years ago and this has helped her to learn more about ways to help others overcome these problems. I mentioned the modern day phenomena of 'always on technology' and I was surprised to hear that she turns her phone off regularly, either to airplane mode or switches over to 'do not disturb' and avoids using email wherever possible - basically off the grid like I wish to be. This is such a relief - and yet, so simple to fix. Turn off the phone! So now, my partner and I have talked about a holiday where we leave the phone and technology at home. Imagine that.... no smartphone!

We'll have to talk at meal times. I'm sure we'll manage. I'm already making changes to my technology use. My email signature now has a sign-off about intermittent checking and I've told family and friends that I may not always be easily contractible as I'm going to start leaving my phone at home or turned off more often. This won't be easy once I start working again though...

It's known that we have a problem within the workplace and yet we continue to make things worse - not better. Until the office environment is improved to allow a more modern way of working without the intense stresses of keeping up with email and the ever-faster turn around times, I'm switching to a completely different job - something where there's high demand with flexible hours but the pay is good too. Maybe I'll become a psychologist!

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