Thursday 16 April 2015

Sticking to the programme


Make some positive changes by implementing some simple rules. Write down the plans, then set a time frame to work within. Don't be too hard on yourself - you want to be able to stick to these rules for the duration. Set out your goals and make a schedule. If the time frame is too short, the task won't feel enough of a challenge and if the timeframe too long, the discipline required won't be enough to get you through. The idea is to set yourself up with new and positive lifestyle changes. by removing old habits and forming new ones.

We're currently in week three of a six week training schedule that will help get the body back in shape for the summer and in good physical condition to best enjoy all the fun times that lie ahead. The early starts and hard work - an hour of intense exercise - have stopped the late nights and curbed the drinking levels. Initially, it was hard getting up so early but now, there's no chance of me missing a class as the lifestyle has been adjusted to fit around the exercise routine.

I've just written a blog/page on making plans called Taking Stock which outlines a few changes I've made to help me stay motivated and on track. And I'm using this blog to implement/track any positive changes I'm making by writing it all down. The action of writing intentions and results down really does help cement the changes we want to make and keep us focussed on making them. Then we can re-visit these pages in the future and see how we've got on.

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