Friday 16 October 2015

Working Celebrations


There's occasions when we have to work hard to prove our worth and there's occasions when we have to play hard at assuring our position in the company we keep. 

By company - I could mean a collection of people that are our friends - or alternatively, our work colleagues. The same rules apply for both. 

Miss a friend's birthday and you risk becoming less of a friend - even in just some small way. While a work associate may not think too badly of you for missing their birthday, by making an effort to celebrate with them, a stronger allegiance will definitely be formed. Work colleagues will be forming allegiances and friendships in all kinds of subtle ways and it pays to have as many of them on your side as possible. 

At work, we are measured on our work output to a degree but someone who is well liked by everyone, will go a lot further - even if their work contribution is questionable. It's a sad truth. And that's why going for social drinks is just as important in a work environment as it is with the mates and why birthdays & leaving do's are the most valuable events in a work calendar if we're to stay friends and keep in with the right crowd in the work place. 

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