Sunday 18 October 2015

Giving It Up


Some things are worth fighting for. But other things are just not worth taking to the death. Keeping a hold on something that leaves us with feelings of anger, will cause even more harm as we draw out the healing process. The mind and body are closely linked, and as a result, we manifest the held on to emotions in our bodies. Therefore, if we hold on to the anger, we potentially make ourselves Ill. 

Martin Adams was a fierce campaigner against the IRA. He stood up against terrorists who threatened his family and made multiple attempts on his life. Despite nearly getting killed in shootings and having to hide the identities of his family including young daughters, he has managed to survive through a turbulent period, whilst also standing up for what he believed in and refusing to be bought off or moved on through fear. 

Letting Go
This weekend, I met Martin's daughter, Amy. Ironically, she has just come through a tough period very similar to my own, dealing with an unfair situation at work. 

Amy is a very bright girl and talks highly of her father. Her situation was something that her father was keen to help her fight as the unjust treatment of his daughter touched at the heart of his moral core. Amy initially fought against the company's injustice, but after the best part of a year, she let go of the company and moved on. I was surprised. 

Hearing everything Amy had just said about her father and his courage standing up for what he believed in and against such great adversity. Why did she give in to this much smaller life situation and essentially allow this company to 'win'?

Amy said to me that she is the winner. How so? Because she now gets to live her life. Every day after she made the decision to sign an agreement not to sue the company, she has felt the anger towards the people who betrayed her, slowly fade. It's like a heavy weight has been lifted from her shoulders and, said Amy 'I wish I'd taken this decision sooner. And that's why you need to let go too'.

Hearing this savvy young girl's advice, I can see she's right. In some spiteful vindictive way, I want to punish the people who are dealing with my dismissal. It's hurting me spiritually as much as them too and on multiple levels, I'm sure. 

This coming week should see some kind of resolution to this current situation I'm in and I will be thinking of Amy's wise words when I choose the right course to take and ultimately let go of this heavy weight on my soul. 

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