Sunday 25 October 2015

Busy Busy


How do people manage with children? It seems to consume the lives and energy levels. If there's a job and travel to consider on top, where is the time for one's own enjoyment?

I'm selfish. That's why I'm not having children. It's not that I don't like kids, it's just that I want to get stuff done and there isn't enough time available in my day as it is. Once we take an 8 hour job out of the way, there really ins't much left for enjoyment. We have to factor in buying and making food and there's a lot of other chores to take care of. Once we take care of all the priorities, make sure we're keeping in with our families and friends, add in some exercise, made our ablutions and personal care/grooming, the bit remaining should be used to evaluate/take stock/assess the status quo and make plans for ways to improve our lives. 

Making Time To Learn
I barely have time to fit everything in, but at least I've managed to keep a routine of fitness for physical management/improvements. I've also read a lot of great books this year. And every day when I read a bit more, I'm finding myself saying in my head or to whomever will listen - 'everyone should read this book'. Just as everyone should take more time out for community & political matters, volunteering time towards doing charity and generally giving everyone about them the time and attention they deserve.

Unfortunately, people would rather waste their precious limited time reading poor newspapers, playing with smartphones checking Facebook status (or similar), procrastinate/lounge around watching trash TV or get drunk. We all need to free up our time more in order to understand what is happening in the world today. I'm sure much of the distractions are geared up to distract us away from the real agenda and keep us busy.

Time and again I've asked people to get on board with political issues that affect us all (I am not politically minded), or read an article/passage in a book that has been a revelation to me, yet they don't have the time - or rather they can't make the time. But better organisation of our time, with prioritisation of the most important matters - real matters that is - will help everyone to find time to improve themselves and ultimately the lives of those around them too.

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