Friday 13 February 2015



So many strong symbolic messages being projected my way at the moment! Last night, I had a dream about a tornado. This is the second dream I can recall having this year and again it's about a powerful and potentially destructive natural force. The last dream was about a tidal wave - which was symbolic of great change. I was safe in that dream - and safe in this one too. So it's pretty clear to me what this second dream is about - as there are life-changing events going on in my life right now. It's really interesting how your brain puts these emotions, concerns and reasonings into visual metaphors - and so vividly too!

Whipping boy
I'm taking some time this week to think through a situation where I'm at a crossroads. One part of me wants to take an easy route but the other part wants to go the hard way around - as it may be more rewarding. The easy route will be pretty quick, uneventful and I'll be able to reach my next destination. BUT - I know I'll be thinking about the decision not to take the other route and 'what I should have done' the whole way. The harder route may take me a lot longer - it'll be a tough test of mental/physical strength - it'll take courage - and it feels like the right route to take. I may have an arduous journey which could take a lot out of me but the result might mean I'll arrive at a different and altogether better destination in the end.

The reason I'm at this conjuncture - again to use a metaphor - is because, like a whipped donkey, I stubbornly refuse to budge any further. I've been repeatedly beaten down over a period of time and it's now time to drop the pack loads and go on my own path. 

Positive steps
I've taken some more positive steps in my new direction for change. My fitness levels are improving, my body shape is changing (down to 12st 4lb!!!) and there's hardly any fat on me now. My 30 day Paleo ended yesterday and I ate my first bread, pasta and rice - yesterday's PT session was much better as a result, as I had more energy in my muscles. I'm ready to start my PT level 3 course from 1st March. I saw my doctor re. nerve damage in my neck. She was genuinely surprised at how my recovery has gone. Considering the symptoms I had in 2012, the movement in my neck and shoulders is better than it's ever been. I'll post my results on the blog after my scan next week. Regarding improvement to money status quo - my HMRC appeal is now underway and all being well, my financial situation could improve dramatically over the coming months...

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