Tuesday 17 February 2015

Inspirational Reads


It's a busy day for me today. I've been up early at boxing this morning, then had an MRI scan on my neck. Amazing luck for me - it is another beautiful day here in London and I'm cycling around taking in some of he sights like a true tourist.

After meeting a friend for lunch, I dropped in on another old work colleague who used to box with me in the mornings. He's now running a pop-up restaurant at the Jeremy Bentham pub near Euston. Only running since 3 months ago - they are already creating a bit of a stir - get in there before it gets too popular! Check out their menu at slowrichies.com

So, afterwards, I nipped into the British Library (pictured above with St Pancras behind). They have a free exhibition of 1000 year old bibles, The Quo'ran and other fantastic old books - beautifully scribed in colourful inks & gold, bound in leather. There's music scores from great composers like Beethoven and Chopin, napkins with the lyrics jotted down on them by The Beatles and diaries with excerpts from Scott referencing perils experienced during his expeditions & Gallileo, with sketches illustrating mountains on the moon (Here is another reminder of a great injustice for humanity - as Gallileo, like Socrates, was sentenced to death standing up to defend his beliefs & truth). There's going to be a series of discussions throughout March discussing 800 years of The Magna Carta - one of, if not the most important, defining document written for Britain - essentially giving power to the people with 'The rule of law'. This law was also carried through to the bill of rights and Constitution of The United States and is the reason why we live in a free society. I will definitely make some time to attend these talks.

Talking Masters
Outside the museum there's a bronze of Issac Newton and this is really cool...our statues have a voice! Just look up online talkingstatues.co.uk and for Isaac at speak2.co/Isaac

I would have liked to take in The British Museum too - but this place deserves a day all to itself - and it was super busy anyway, so I sat in a Caffè Nero where I am now still, waiting for another old friend as I write my blog. We're heading off to an iOS geeks convention to get some info on programming - for an idea I have, I'll feed back when I have more info...

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