Monday 2 February 2015

Being Nice


Some time ago - when I first started working, some wise old sage gave me some sound advice about doing well at work 'be reliable and nice to people', he said. And he is right of course. It doesn't matter how good you think you are at your job or what position you hold - if people don't like you because you're arrogant and disrespectful, you're not going to get the best out of people. We spend a big portion of our time at work - often, it seems, around people that really don't want to be there. So it can be really difficult to give out that smile when you're not getting one back in return. However, I now make a decision every morning to be nice to people more at work and in general. I made a conceited effort today to be helpful and positive with those around me and the pay off has been - I feel very good about my day and in a good mood this evening. Mondays can typically be a tough time. You can feel a little down - especially if you've had a great weekend - and the last thing you want to do is go spend your day with moody people. So, the best thing to do - is to carry on your positive, upbeat and happy mood throughout the day and in turn pass it on to others so they can be happy like you!

It might sound a bit too simple - but just being 'nice' to people can be a mutually beneficial practice for every walk of life. Try it. It's amazing how well it works in situations where it could go either of two ways - good or bad. Some people are so caught up in their moods - they're having a bad day, and suddenly, you're being dragged in to the firing line. I avoided a situation this morning with a smile and an offer to help - when I could have easily reacted in a negative way, just fuelling the other person's anger/frustration. The result was a diffused confrontation and in the end, a much happier person. Not only did I help cheer that one person up - but that deed would have also had a major knock-on effect with everyone else that person met throughout the day - in a positive rather than negative way. It goes back to cause and effect again - every action has a reaction. I changed the course of one person's day and consequently, changed a lot of other people's day through simply being nice...

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