Monday 9 February 2015

Sunny Disposition


It's amazing what a little bit of sunshine can do to your mood. I've not felt too energised the last few days. my sleep is off and my mind is muddled with stuff that's not conducive to being positive & productive. I had some boring bits to do. So off I went on a 3 hour walk. I took all my dull jobs with me as I went, calling the bank, sorting my annual travel insurance, getting a quote for the repairs to my car, emailing/calling work to arrange a meeting for tomorrow and went looking for a replacement phone. It's great having a hands-free, even if you do look like a nutcase to passers by.

I walked quickly to get my heart rate up a bit, taking moments to look around me as I went. I checked out a few clothes shops on route, grabbed a coffee, read for a bit, took some fresh air through the park and returned to prepare a delicious meal of smoked cod which I'd bought from our local fisherman. By the evening, my creativity had returned, my mood had lifted and I even managed to slot in a bit of money-saving work before retiring to bed. Which is where I am now - early, so I'll be up and on fighting form for my boxing training in the morning!

I've gone to bed with thoughts about my pending holiday in my head to help booster my mood tomorrow. I'm heading to the alps in a couple of weeks time and I'm sure there'll be a bit more healing sunshine while I'm there too (and hopefully some snow), so I'm really looking forward to three of my favourite things - sun, snow and the thrill of hurtling down the mountains. Tomorrow will be another great day.

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