Thursday 8 January 2015

The First Milestone


I've managed to keep the 5am starts going for a whole week now! It was fine the first day, then the 2nd day I stayed a few minutes longer in bed quietly contemplating the day, the 3rd day was the same, I nearly fell back to sleep on day 4 and then day 5 onwards I've had a better way to get myself up and motivated.

The Key to getting up early:
Bed early. Go to bed when you start to feel tired - I missed my slot a couple of days this week and struggled to get in...resulting in an even later time and less hours sleep
Eat light. Eating a steak or or other types of meat, will generally take more energy to digest. So avoid anything heavy, start with a protein rich breakfast, have a substantial lunch and keep the evening meal plain/simpler, with fish, pulses and vegetables.
Eat early. I try and eat before 7pm. I have a decent canteen at work, so this is easier for me to stick to, as like many people these days, working/travelling means I don't get home from work til after 7pm.
DON'T have a snooze option. OK, so I nearly fell back to sleep on day 4 but having a sleep function gives your lazy voice the chance to kick in and convince you to stay in bed. Turn it off - remove the option for a snooze and you have to get up!
– Prepare yourself the night before. I tell myself that I'm getting up no matter what the voices tell me on waking. I have my list of things to do and everything at my work place ready in order before going to sleep.
Use your inner drill sergeant. Mine says '1-2-3 UP!'
Get a tight routine going. When the alarm goes, I first flood some oxygen into my body with 3 deep yoga breaths - then the voice kicks in and i'm up, into the kitchen to switch on the kettle, then bathroom, where I splash cold water in my face to wash the sleep out of my eyes, then back into the kitchen to have a 60ml shot of Aloe Vera, drink a glass of water and make a hot drink. I have my start routine down so I'm ready to go at 5.10.

The no drinking rule:
So this other rule also has a 1 week anniversary today. One of my best friends is having a 'wet the baby's head' a pub of course. Whereas the girls get together and sew names on to baby grows, eat and drink maybe a glass of wine or two – it's traditional in the UK to get a few pints in - certainly that's the case in my circles. These are guys that like a drink (no food) and the same guys that rib me for my manliness - usually 'cos I'm in a brightly coloured jumper - and consequently, I'm usually the one ordering whiskey chasers by the end resulting in crashing on a sofa at someone's house and waking with a fuzzy head! So tonight will be a real test. It has to be zero alcohol - having one drink can slip into two, into three, 4
four, five...there never is a one - this is FACT. So I'll also want to avoid the caffeinated beverages and keep the sugar levels down too if I'm going to make 5am tomorrow. Not sure if I'll use the old antibiotics/medication cover story or be bold and come clean about my no-drinking rule. My sergeant major voice just chimed in - so I'll be bold!

The result of a week's no drinking and 5am starts...
I've been in a much more productive mood. The extra 3 hours in the morning are allowing me time to plan, organise and get down my ideas. I'm doing a 3hr session for myself when I'm at my optimum. Then the 8 hours at the office are more productive from the moment I arrive. I'm able to better react to situations where others are stressed - staying calm - responding with a smile, civil and forgiving attitude. I can see a clear path of actions by assessing the status quo morning and evening – writing this blog, I've taken ownership of my days rather than letting each one slip away – I've been able to lift my head and look around me to see what I'm normally oblivious to.

The first week has gone very well!
This is the fantastic view from my window last night...

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