Monday 26 January 2015

Take Action


Having knowledge and doing nothing with it is the same as having no knowledge at all. You have to apply what's been learned and do something useful with it to make it a benefit.

It's so easy to get everything we need. All the info and he tools are out there to be learned in schools, researched in libraries and gained in every way imaginable online. There's a lot to wade through though before getting the answers - you can't just take what you first read as 'gospel'. There's a lot of different opinions and ways of doing things and you have to find what works for you.

To get the best out of our learnings, we still have to filter out what's good and bad information and take the best advice from those around us that have learned and had success from their experiences. It takes time, will power and effort to source/digest information, assess/trial and learn what works for us. Unfortunately, we're pretty lazy if we allow ourselves to be. Discipline has to be instilled in us in the same way a child has to be shown right and wrong and a pet has to be trained. Without our parents or school teaches around it's up to us to be the role models and disciplinarians. We have to keep tabs on ourselves and take action. 

It's really important that we treat ourselves when we've put in the hard work. If something is really hard to do and arduous to keep doing - chances are we'll give up if there's easier more fun things to do instead. Take regular assessments of your progress and set manageable milestones where you can check your progress. Think of it like a game - and that way it will be more fun.

If you're on a special diet, set a target with a reward at the end. Make it something special, one of the treats overindulged on like chocolate - but try and make the treat the best it can be. There are loads of great new raw chocolate, organic, vegan, high in anti-oxidants chocolate brands out there which are a better alternative to the high in sugar, processed varieties. I'm allowing myself to eat special raw chocolate snacks only once a week - on a Saturday night and it's helped cut out all cravings in the week now I have a goal.

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