Saturday 17 January 2015



I talked with colleagues yesterday at work, about beliefs and the lengths people are willing to go to, in order to uphold what they believe in and in some cases, taking extreme measures. My colleagues had strong opinions and their own beliefs - some of them conflicting with my own and I witnessed first-hand that having strong opinions about what you 'believe' in, can make us a bit closed minded and alienate ourselves from others.

Beliefs are purely mindsets and they can be personal or part of a group, followed like trends - and appearing to change much like fashion styles do. I know I've had beliefs and opinions about things that I've completely changed my mind about over time. Looking back through history, you can observe how popular opinions and beliefs have changed...the world is not flat, as was strongly believed and the Earth does revolve around the sun.

We can create our beliefs by learning from teachers or taking on beliefs from following others - allowing them to 'set' in our minds without first assessing them for ourselves. We often adopt other people's beliefs as a way to fit within a group & society in general. But we need to make up our own minds to what is ultimately going to benefit us, yet remain flexible enough so we can adapt/adopt other and new trains of thought too.

What is really important?
Being in a quiet place gives me plenty of time to reason: what are these ideas, beliefs, opinions of mine - and do they matter? It allows time to reason that everyone has their own beliefs and they may not fit in with our own.

If you're reading this - you're probably, like me, already on a quest for knowledge and starting to think and reason for yourself. So, maybe take a bit of time today and think about what you truly 'believe in'. These strong beliefs and opinions, are they important? Are these your beliefs? Are you following to fit in, or are you being force-fed ideas from peers and other outside influences. If you find you're beliefs are being set in stone because you're caught up in a group mentality, ie. your family, partner & friends are pushing beliefs on to you that are not your own, try and think about what they mean. Are they benefitting you or holding you back?  Chances are, they are holding you back from doing something great. It's within all of our power to change and I now factor this way of thinking into my daily early morning routine. Already, this has given me some positive results - plus, had a massive impact on how I interact with others and where I direct my focus for further improvements.

Sticking to your guns
Hans Berger carried on his research into brain wave analysis for 10 years before making good progress in his field of study. Even though he was for the most part, ridiculed for his beliefs by the rest of the science fraternity, he stayed true to his beliefs until he found answers which led to the discovery of alpha waves, developed the EEG (electroencephalography - a tool for measuring brain waves patterns), which in turn has been used for better understanding the workings of the brain. One particular field this has been used in - understanding sleep patterns

Sleep for success
Having these early starts - getting enough sleep is of paramount importance for improving performance. Understanding how our sleep patterns work and ways to improve sleep is something we should all learn about to optimise the time we spend sleeping. After all, a third of our life is spent in a sleeping state. Poor or lack of sleep will affect us and all those around us, halting us form achieving our life goals. 

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