Friday 16 January 2015

Keeping It Real


He didn't have tech. He didn't even have a special diet. But he had a phenomenal physique - honed through hard work & self discipline, following a regular training routine. It sounds like he lived a fairly regular lifestyle (he made a lot of money by the sounds of it so had free time) but ultimately he died young - likely from over-exerting himself. So, I'm not going to be two hard on myself about eating the 'wrong' kind of food occasionally for - let's face it - the sake of vanity. Yeah, I do want to fix my ailments and I'm loving the yoga, but I miss the pub and friends - so I know this routine will have to be a bit more flexible eventually. It's also proving to be quite tough getting up at 5am every morning. To get 8 hours a night, I'd have to be asleep at 9pm. That means no real social life and my partner and I are like passing ships! The key is balance. After 2 weeks of no drinking and 14 days up at 5, it's starting to feel a bit like drill camp. I'm also writing quite long blogs every day - which, I'm very pleased with - but are taking a bit more time than I'd like to spend on them and not leaving room for much else.

Next Two Weeks
I'm going to try and keep the blogs a lot shorter - maybe focus on just one topic. Then I'll write-up some pages with more researched content in and publish those every week or so. the plan is to keep writing something ever day - for the whole year. But I'll be a lonely single man if I carry on the way I've been going. Here's what I'm going to do:

5am Starts
I'll stick to these every day - even weekends, but if there's a social and late night, I'll get up when I need to get up - be it 5, 6 or 7am - I'll still find quiet time that day but won't knacker myself out.

The Paleo diet is very restrictive. I haven't craved bread, pasta or potatoes - but if I find myself in a position or at a social event where there are little other options, I won't beat myself up about it if there's a bit of the 'wrong' food on my plate.

Listen to your body. I feel a bit jangly after doing a heavy training session yesterday - so I'm going to take it easy. Currently, the only day off is Monday - but if I need to rest, I'll rest. I'm going to stop climbing in the evenings as this is effecting my eating pattern and not helping with my bicep and shoulder injury.

Zen Yoga On A Rope
I love climbing, it's like doing yoga on a wall.There's a few great climbing centres in London. Westway has great lead climbs (for more advanced), The Castle has lead and bouldering - plus it's a pretty cool venue, The Reach looks good for leads (yet to try it) and The Arch @ Biscuit Factory is good for short bouldering routes. My true home is Mile End Climbing Wall and my local pub is The Palm Tree - the last bastion of East End London.

Take Stock
The changes are happening - and it's been a good, hard start to the year - it's time to take stock, measure and find a balance. So, while there's not much fresh material on this page - it's another milestone and on reflection, I've been performing BETTER than I could have hoped for. The discipline has been amazing considering how I can be (especially mixed with alcohol) but for creating more free time, there'll be a slight change to the formula starting from tomorrow.

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