Friday 2 January 2015

Healing Body First Steps


How's it going so far? After getting up early yesterday and with no hangover, I was able to write a short entry into my blog and relax a little knowing I'd started the year on a good foot. A massive step considering all the other temptations to go out late on NY and sleep in the next day – plus a real positive considering my mis-trust of the internet. I'll come back to the topic again at a later date but just a little on the subject here... I got into bed (early again) after a lazy day watching a couple of pretty decent films, read a little and used the quiet time before sleep to think about what I wanted to achieve the next day. A good bit of this time was taken up with preparing in my mind, the next instalment for my journal and sharing my words on the internet. We have such a powerful tool to discover pretty much anything that we wish to learn – and there are so many people out there willing to give their advice for free – and yet, I'm actually wary of putting any of my opinions, findings and (I'm over 40 now, so justified...) wisdom out there. I struggle with Facebook (to the point of never using it) and I haven't even gone public with this post – or allowed comments....yet. One step at a time....thing is, I have a real issue trusting the integrity for what is shown on the web and difficulty connecting to others in a virtual space, which stops me using the internet in the way many others do - and I'm likely missing out.

The last thing I looked at before going in – was an email from my dear friend, Dean. It was on the subject of healing injuries which is exactly what I needed to look at today!
It's interesting how those things that you open your eyes to – stuff that is all around you all the time but you just don't 'see' – seems to 'jump' when you need them. I've read about this – I've watched video clips and talked with friends about the 'magical' things that happen when you're in the right head space. It's kinda like when you buy a new car. Suddenly everyone has the same car and even the same colour – and the reason you're reminded of that same car/colour is because it's new and you love your new car. My reasoning is that to keep yourself in the right head space and to keep 'plucking out of the air' all those thoughts and acting on all the new found wisdom you've taken on board and to then make progressive improvements – you need the time to be in this receptive head space and you need to have that fresh feeling regularly. This is where the blog writing comes in. Keeping a fresh, daily journal is the way to remind myself, cement the thoughts and track progress. I'm on holiday today – so I have the head space, but as of next Monday, it's going to get messy in my thoughts again and I'll have to find that time with the 5am starts. Let's see if I can keep this going for a week...

So, to get back to the healing first steps.
I have a weak right bicep – likely caused by injuries from neck and shoulder accidents from my younger snowboarding past. Other muscles are over-compensating (and consequently getting injured too) and because I continue to be active in my hobbies (climbing, biking, boxing), plus I'm not doing anything to try fixing my ailments – things are getting worse.
Here's what Dean sent me – Paul Chek – this guys really knows his stuff and I'm going to use these techniques today and see if I can make some progress.

There's more on  there - I've subscribed for later reference...I'll definitely go back to look at Paul Chek more at a later date - as I can see he's got a lot of great stuff on complete physical, mental and spiritual health...

I'm going to watch a film later on that Dean has also suggested called The power of the Heart

I'll feed back what I thought of it tomorrow and write up any thoughts for day 3...

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