Sunday, 16 August 2015

Reaction Formation


Understanding why some people have such extreme reactions to situations is the key to uncovering the truth behind where that person may be keeping real feelings in direct conflict with their projected feelings and objectives.

So, for example, if you find that something, someone or a situation makes you angry - take a step back to look at why this has caused such a strong emotional response in you. The reason you've become upset could likely be masking something else that you're either in denial of, deceiving yourself or insecure about. If you can identify these times and try to discover where these feelings conflict with your own, you may learn more about yourself and where you can make greater improvements. The following video explains how these reflections are teachings we can get great benefits from if we tackle them face on.

The Smiling Judas
If you've ever been betrayed by someone and unable to pinpoint where the betrayal came from, you'll maybe experience some overly sympathetic responses from those around you just after the incident. This can often be a key indicator to find those guilty of stabbing you in the back. Because, the smiling, caring display from the first person to console you, are potentially displays of their guilt - because it was they who played the role of Judas. 

The Judas is within us all. It's not just how we treat our friends and colleagues eiher, we betray our true feelings and ultimately ourselves all the time. Knowing why people do the opposite of what they believe in, is an important tool for seeing through self-deceit in ourselves and in others for both personal development and for achieving success in our life.

Reaction Formation is a recognised ego defence mechanism used to protect us when we feel anxious or threatened. These responses are not under our conscious control. It's important to identify these reactions to better know when or why people are being the opposite of what they appear and Dr Neel Burton's book called Hide & Seek will help us to look closely in the mirror to identify what we want and who we really are.

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