Sunday, 30 August 2015

Trusting Our Instincts


In the modern age, man has come far along the path of knowledge to unlock the wondrous workings of the natural world, the mysteries of the known universe and now claims to fully understand the workings of pretty much everything through the appliance of science.

So, when there's strange phenomena occurring outside the known realms of science, the scientists will be quick to jump on these happenings to dispel them as paranormal and make moves to explain them through sound reasoning and scientific fact. However, there are just too many other-worldly occurrences going on that cannot be easily explained through conventional wisdom.

A number of people have been shown to have special talents - a kind of sixth sense, and it's my belief that we all have the ability to use these powers - we just need to recognise when they are working, what they mean and how we can use them to benefit us.

Call it a hunch, a gut instinct or just a thought that comes from nowhere which has relevance to a particular situation. The amount of times for example that I've thought of someone who I haven't seen or heard from in a while and then mysteriously bumped into them or they contact me from out of the blue. Picking up on thoughts coming from other people's minds seems to be another trait I have a sometimes freaky ability in doing. Again the scientists are moving towards finding a way to do this with technology and there have been recent telepathy experiments with some early success transferring information across continents. However, there are already many examples of people having this ability to pick up on brain energy or telepathic thoughts, just as there are other examples in many cultures throughout history of astral projection and even more recent science-backed examples of remembered past lives from young children who would have no way of obtaining the detailed information they possess and the scientists no way of explaining how they got it either.

It's worth considering there are logical explanations to what seemingly cannot be explained with rational thought, just as it is worth investigating and not completely discrediting the paranormal activity that some of us are more sensitive to feeling than we wish to believe is possible. And some of the following powers may be accessible to you and I to some degree, if we just accept that they could actually exist in the first place.

We are all made up of matter and electrical energy after all and it is the way we connect with everything around us that gives us the potential to harness these sixth senses. In order to better do this we have to give up on the idea that we are separate and in fact one and the same energy as everyone and everything around us.

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