The power to gain knowledge is within reach for us all. Great scholars and free thinkers have dedicated their lives to gathering information and writing it down for all to read. If we want to get our hands on these great writings, it's all out there - thousands upon thousands of words waiting for us to look at in books and on the Internet. If we want that knowledge & power, it just means reading and digesting a lot of information.
There's so much great stuff out there to learn and I could quite happily do nothing but soak up knowledge every day, except there's so much else that also needs to be done and it's about finding the quality time to go it.
20 Pages Per Day
So, the smartest way to get through so many of these books, is to allocate time around the other important tasks and chores. I've been making a pact with myself to read at least 20 pages of a book a day, which can be tough at the crack of dawn and equally at the end of the day when the eyes are tired but if we stick to certain times - it makes it easier to stay on track with a daly routine.
One trick I've learned, is to train my weaker eye. My left eye does most of the work and my right - which is perfect but lazy, cannot see the words as easily or as clearly so it doesn't get much use. To get it fired up in the morning, I bought a beautiful aged leather eye patch off Etsy and wear it in the mornings when reading my 20 pages. I now have a much stronger right eye and don't have to squint my left eye shut - avoiding headache-inducing tension from holding one eye closed.
Robot Reader
Another technique I'm using is to turn on the built-in iPhone dictation tool. There's a better quality version that you can download called Alex, which adds the breath and pauses, making it seem more natural. It's not perfect, but considering the audiobooks are usually over £10+ you can get the iBook, ebook, kindle or web pages read out while cycling, on the tube, in the car or lying down resting your eyes - that way the daily total pages go up considerably and the quest for genius becomes ever more closer!
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