Saturday, 15 August 2015

Job Satisfaction


Satisfaction in the work place. Job love is beyond reach for the majority of us these days. Work hard, play hard is the old saying. You put the effort in at your job and enjoy the benefits the money brings you doing all the things you like in your free time. And if the work was fun and rewarding too, it was an added bonus. Unfortunately in the modern workplace, a lot of the fun has been sucked out, the 'work hard play hard' saying has been replaced with 'work harder for less money or we'll find someone else'. We are left with little time and energy to play with and worn out at the end of another long day and week to really enjoy what little is left anyway.

To thrive in a job, we need motivation in order for us to put the effort and time in. You'd think it would be money that increases motivation, but it's not. Having a rewarding job means we receive appreciation and recognition for doing something well as a number one factor - money comes way down the list.

The top 10 factors are:1 Appreciation for your work
2 Good relationships with colleagues
3 Good work-life balance
4 Good relationships with superiors
5 Company’s financial stability
6 Learning and career development
7 Job security
8 Attractive fixed salary
9 Interesting job content
10 Company values

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