Thursday 3 December 2015

The Cost of Fun


Drinking for fun is a double edged sword. While it can feel relaxing having a drink or two - there has to be a payoff. 

If we add up all the money spent on alcohol - we can see how much of our hard-earned cash is blown on something that offers very little return other than a few hours of relaxation or abandon. Counting the real hours of work against tax, outgoings like shelter and food - we can see the real value of our hourly rate of spends. 

If we consider that a pint of beer purchased in a London bar costs as much as a meal, we start to see more clearly how the balance of our spends is massively warped in favour of turning off our thoughts rather than tangible, positive investments for bettering ourselves.

If we can better monitor our spending, and see how our budgets are being hit, surpassed and ultimately depleting our savings on a daily basis, we can make better decisions about impulse buys and do we really want that pint of beer...

That's where an app for budgeting money will really help us. I've just downloaded one called Goodbudget - and set myself a tight £1200 for January. Let's see if I can make it work!

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