Monday 2 November 2015

Selfless Acts


Unselfish altruistic acts are undertaken when we have genuine concern for another's wellbeing. These selfless acts, where we are seemingly willing to put our necks on the line to help make another's life, are said to be hard-wired into our make-up. But, even a seemingly selfless action, could still be used for self gain in one way or other.

George Price was on a quest to find true Altruism. He found all kinds of arguments for why people do kind acts, but discovered to his dismay after conclusive research, that there is no true act of altruism (other than those remarkable actions taken by the Carnegie Heros perhaps?). He fought against his own calculations/research which pointed to the fact we have selfish interests at heart and embarked on a mission to do as much unselfish work to disprove his own theory.

He went out of his way to be a better human being, even offering up his own home to homeless, alcoholic and in some cases, violent individuals. These people all took advantage of his generosity and kindness, which he was aware of, but also happy to be disproving his theory at the same time. He continued until eventually, himself living on the streets, penniless and depressed, he took his own life.

Price's suicide wasn't necessarily the result of his failure to prove that true altruism existed. He was suffering with Cancer and his refusal to take medicine would have been in part to blame for the ensuing depression. If true unselfish acts are really boiled down to genetic mathematics, then we must live up to the fact that helping others is for our own benefit. But having thoughts for other's wellbeing and acts of kindness undertaken for benefiting others, will be mutually rewarding and therefore, something we should all aim to experience more, if we are to have a well-balanced and healthy mindset. The act of giving is the greatest gift we give ourselves.

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