Friday 20 November 2015



Preparation For Meditation

Find a comfortable position to sit in. Lying down is not a preferable option in meditation practices as one is more likely to fall asleep than to access a meditative trance state. So find a comfortable seating position. If you suffer from lower back pain, then it is advisable to sit against a wall.

Humming Exercise
Take a deep breath in and around the eyes and across the forehead.

Next 'mememememememememe' then 'mamamamamamamama', then the vowels 'a,e,i,o,u' feeling the sound vibrating across your face.

Then use 'n', feeling the vibration up your nose and in your sinuses.

Next we are going to practice the mantra 'OM', this should be a deep resonance in your face and also internally all the way to your belly. Visualise the sound coming from the third eye chakra and also being absorbed by the same chakra space. This is quite an advanced technique, but trying the visualising technique can evoke a more profound experience.

Observing The Breath
Take a few minutes to observe your breathing and change your breathing to deep 'in-breaths' filling your belly as well as the lungs. By doing this you are oxygenating your inner organs and allowing a deeper sense of relaxation. By focusing on the breath you are also facilitating the activation of 'cho' or prana developing your own personal energy, and also allowing yourself to be connected to universal energy. Remember to keep your tongue gently pressed onto your palate at the top of the mouth.

The Aura
This is the field of subtle energy that surrounds and emanates from every living thing. We sometimes pick up negative vibrations from in and around our environment and it is a good practice to regularly check our aura and to clean it.

Aura Cleansing Meditation
Prepare yourself for meditation. Observing the breath, imagine you are sitting surrounded by white light and then visualise the light changing through all the colours of the rainbow. Visualise negativity like black spots being dissolved into white light.

The Crystal Cave Meditation
The above link for a crystal cave, is a powerful meditation video, which makes use of Binaural beats to link the two hemispheres of the brain. Robert Monroe was a pioneer of using offsets of tones which the brain creates as a vibratory effect in the inner ear. Robert set up his own programs using different frequencies for relaxation called Hemi-Sync, and frequencies for what he claimed were able to activate Astral Travel and out-of-body experiences.

For some, the consent for meditation, has to come from within and listening to other voices will not work. One great way to assist in meditation practices for those finding it difficult taking guided meditations, we can record our own voice for guidance. The following is one example of a self-guided medidation.

To begin: Sit in your chosen meditation pose.

Regulate your breathing and be aware of your surroundings, the people around you, your body, thoughts and finally take your awareness fully into your breathing. Deep abdominal breaths, letting your chest expand, as well as your belly.

Count down from 10-1. On each count, a deep breath will be taken and you will sink lower into your meditation.

Release the needs of the body and those of the mind when you get to 1. Feel like you are floating weightless in a tunnel. See brilliant white light at one end of the tunnel. Be aware of yourself floating in this space.

Take 5 deep breaths; with each breath out, visualise it taking you nearer to the end of the tunnel. On the last breath enter the light.

As the light around you fades, visualise walking along a vast shore with a huge ancient white cliff face on the right-hand side, towering above you, exuding great power and protection. To your left is a vast calm sea of turquoise blue and the sun is shining around you. Take a few deep breaths in this space.

As you walk along the beach, visualise a cave opening where a beautiful soft glow of light is pulsing from within.

Take three deep breaths as you approach the cave and enter.

Notice a crystal door in front of you.

Reach out and touch it.

The door disappears and you see an immense cavern whose walls are covered with billions of crystals blazing with light.

A powerful yet comforting energy emanates from this crystal room. Step into this cavern.

Feel the warm energy pouring around you, caressing your skin and hair with soft waves of light.

You notice an area in the centre of this room with cushions or a chair for you to lie down or sit. Go there now, lie or sit down.

Now close your eyes.

Feel as if you have been enveloped with pure love, tranquillity and peace. As you lie there allow the sensations to embrace your mind and body. See the energy around you pouring into your body.

Ask to be shown a coloured crystal, which will help to increase your well-being.

The appropriate crystal will appear next to you.

Pick up this crystal and make a note of its colour.

Feel the power of this crystal and feel its energy dissolve your fears.

Give thanks to the crystal cave and take 5 deep breaths. With each breath, you see the room gets dimmer and dimmer until it is dark and you are aware of being back in the tunnel.

Feel yourself floating in this dimension for a while and use this safe place to absorb the energies that you have been given.

Five deep breaths, with each breath taking you closer to the other end of the tunnel, which is pulsating with brilliant white diamond sparkling light. Enter the light.

As the light fades you feel you are back in your body. Be aware of your breath in your physical body, as it fills you and cleanses you. Be aware of your body, wiggling your toes to fill the body with your spirit.

Three deep breaths and then slowly open your eyes.

Regular Practice Brings Greater Results
The above meditation techniques should be practised regularly as a way to centre and connect with our inner selves. If the first attempt produces no observable results, try some of the different techniques and consider the times, types of food, the environment and mind state. All suggestions have to be followed consensually. If there are any doubts or fears about the process, the meditations will not work as well or not at all. Belief, openness and acceptance of the benefits will bring the best results.

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