Monday 30 March 2015



When I think back to my early school days (many moons ago now), I can remember enjoying the act of learning new things. I liked going to school and being taught new things. As a consequence, I excelled at art, was good at maths, ahead in reading and imaginative with writing stories. My pictures were on display, I read out my stories in front of class and often helped others with their sums/spelling. There were rewards for learning. Gold stars and ticks along the way. The teachers would smile and say how clever or creative I'd been. And, whether what I'd created was any good or not, I still have the memory of being acknowledged as someone who was capable or greatness. 

As the years roll by, I'm still left holding fond memories of my teachers and my time at junior school. I have a sense of confidence instilled in me. And, even though I was a bit of a handful at times, being given a lot of positive encouragement to learn more, has helped motivate me in life. 

Encouraging greatness
While I can't pertain to be a head of state, a modern day Leonardo Da Vinci or even a self made man in business - I feel lucky to have had such great teachers. I have confidence to learn, apply what I've learned and the right mindset to get on in life. Yet, I could have so easily become a different person. I put a lot of this fact down to being shown the right way to act from a young age and encouragement from great teachers. Thankfully, there's people out there that understand the importance of good teachers and are willing to take on this role. A lot of people aren't as fortunate to have had such great influences in their lives and without such an encouraging start - particularly from that very young and impressionable age, they struggle to get on.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart - Ms Grealy and Mrs Sellick.

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