Friday 13 March 2015

Take The Plunge


Swimming up and down in a pool can be very therapeutic. Counting off the lengths towards the goal of 1 mile today, I switched from focussed practice of my stroke to what I need to achieve in the coming weeks. 

To get an increased workout in my arms, I tried these aqua gloves - which were actually quite hard going and surprisingly, didn't add anything to my speed in the water. 

The resistance made each stroke a lot more powerful and where they took water in, were heavier through the top of the stroke. The best thing about them, is that they give an extra stretch on the backs of your arms, from the longest reach of the stroke all the way through to where your hand exits the water at the end of the stroke. Which was great to free up my muscles after training hard on the rower machine yesterday

Swimming is a great form of low-impact exercise. It's easy on your joints and great if recovering from injuries plus offers a multitude of other benefits including giving you a kinda zen feeling as you glide through the water, that could be of course, unless you catch the school lessons like I did!

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