Sunday 22 March 2015

Solar And Lunar Energy


Cosmic energy and how it affects us. This is a subject I've never really given much thought to. I've tended to be a bit of a cynic when it comes to astrology. I also struggle with the concept of harnessing power from mystical energy sources like those emanating from energy lay-lines and precious stones.

However, the universe is made up of energy. It's all around us. Everything is connected with this energy, including ourselves. So it makes sense that everything happening in the cosmos will have a knock-on effect with us. These next couple of weeks will see two significant cosmic events. There's a solar eclipse on the 20th March (the last one we will see in our life time - next one 23rd September 2090) and a lunar eclipse on the 4th April.

Solar Eclipse
My yoga teacher explained on Friday that whether we wish to believe it or not, effects will be felt from the solar eclipse days before and for some time after. Coming round to the ideas of spirituality and energy flowing through our bodies taken through my yoga teachings, I decided to look up some information on a zodiac website about what a solar eclipse means.

Essentially, all good news as they symbolise change. They also mean beginning something new and committing to making efforts for greater challenges. I have to say, I felt a little anxious on Friday - likely a week of hanging out with a deer friend, drinking and late nights contributed to these feelings. But also, as I have some big commitments that need to be addressed, I felt a little overwhelmed and worried about delivering on these priorities over coming weeks. Interestingly, another zodiac website also mentions these factors including those about the build up of emotions, so maybe there is something in this theory.

Lunar Eclipse
There's also a lunar eclipse happening on the 4th of April. Traditionally these eclipses have been seen as a bad sign, but apparently, this one - a positive omen, signifies new birth. The horoscope talks of putting all unresolved issues to rest. Literally, this means letting them die and trying not to save them.

Well, if this eclipse also has something in it, I will indeed be putting one particularly troublesome episode to bed around this time and maybe another issue that has been hanging over me for some time too. One can only hope so. Here's a list of all the other eclipses happening for the next 50+ years so we can prepare for more changes coming up.

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