Monday, 22 June 2015

Truth Or Fiction?


Back in 1991, while watching Terry Wogan on telly with my nan, a man named David Icke - a former footballer and sports TV pundit was introduced, who spoke about shape shifters, who are apparently an Earth controlling Reptilian Elite. This man was ridiculed on public television and I remember laughing at him along with my nan and my friends who also couldn't believe what a nutter he'd become...

Fast Forward To 2006
Terry Wogan invited David Icke back in 2006 to give him another chance to speak and to apologise for his rude behaviour the first time around. A lot happened in the 15 years between the interviews, including a lot of suspect activity from the USA (and UK), so yesterday, when I stumbled across this footage, I started to further investigate some of David Icke's 'prophesies' and revisited some of his ideas about the future of micro-chipping, The New World Order, the lizard brain, The Rockerfellers, population control and how these ideas have progressed to where they are now in 2015.

Is 1984 Becoming A Reality?
So today, I've spent a few interesting hours listening and reading about David Icke's ideas and his frighteningly accurate depiction of an Orwellian society. Suddenly, with so much corruption and greed being uncovered at a high level, these conspiracy theories now seem to have a lot more weight to them. The banking crisis, Iraq and more recently, the FIFA scandal - again connected back to the banks. Thankfully, the conspiracy theories (a term cleverly coined by the CIA at the time of the Kennedy Assassination to help discredit any theory other than the one proposed by the CIA) are not such an embarrassing thing to delve into and discuss publicly these days as The Telegraph's Alex Proud has been doing. He is doing as his name implies, standing up and speaking out where few would have had the courage to do so before.

Throwing The Baby Out With The Bath Water
The problem with conspiracy theories, are that any truth they could contain, gets mixed up in a lot of nonsense and everything gets chucked out as a load of baloney. This is the genius of the conspiracy theory for those wanting to conceal the truth. 

It's easy to read or listen to someone like David Icke and quickly discredit everything they say. So, I'm not sure where I stand with some of David's really out-there ideas - especially the crazy stuff about a hollow moon and 3D holograms of our reality being projected from Saturn. But a controlling ellite's desire to microchip us all - this is happening right now in Mexico and new bills are being passed in the U.S. for ObamaCare which looks set for implementing this Big Brother device too. And even David's equally bizarre stories of lizard people controlling the earth's population could just mean Mr. Icke has connected the actions of our most primitive and powerful amygdala - or 'lizard brain', to the characteristics of some of our world leaders who are (mostly) unconscious to the control and domination drives of this tiny almond-shaped reptilian brain - contributing to so much world fear and war situations.

Fact or Fiction...It pays to keep an open mind:
Whatever we make of these theories, one thing I am learning, is that there are a lot of sheep or 'biological robots' if you want to believe David Icke - people easily controlled by fear, shepherded by the media or distracted with pop culture and consumerism. The majority of the rest are just lazy or apathetic to what's going on under their noses. 

The small remainder are speaking out for the benefits of us all - to uncover what we all sneered at and first thought of as lunacy. Crazy goings on in our governments? No way! Thanks are due to the likes of Wikileaks etc. for clearing up some of these truths.....or not.

Some of this stuff out there seems too strange to be true. It's up to us to listen more to these outspoken people, do the research and make up our own minds to what's happening and start to take action if we want to halt the eradication of our freedom and quality of life before it's too late to do anything.  

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