Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Self Belief From Self Knowing


Focussing on the self. At the centre of our being is an intangible force - something that drives, motivates, steers us and sets our intentions. This is our 'self'. It is the centre of who we are that needs to be kept in balance for happiness and harmony in our lives.

This 'self', found by practising meditation and discovered in quiet moments of self reflection is, over time, coated in 'ideas' - learned information, built up in layer upon layer. These chunks of information, nearer the core, are the first learned truths from being a child - fears and preservation truths - like knowing not to touch a hot saucepan. Layered over the top of these older layers and getting nearer the outer surface, are the more recently learned habits and traits. Things like being seen to do the right thing by a partner or friends, to fit into society. These are not our true 'selves' but they become entwined and set in a way - mixed up as part of the core at the heart of everything we believe in.

When we are following our true paths, it is our core identity that is strengthened and we feel satisfaction - a reaffirmation that we are fulfilling our true intentions. However, sometimes we get so layered in our 'ideas' and so mixed up with our identity, that we can't distinguish who we were once before this excessive layering occurred and what our true intentions really are. We become confused, 'lost' and doubts start to set in about what we are doing and the paths we are taking. This is where we need to get back to our truest selves and core intentions.

If we can take the time away from distractions, we get back to the true 'self'. This can only be attained through quiet inward-searching moments of solitude and via practiced meditation. We simply need to take this time alone, to best strip away the coating of hardened outer 'plaque' built up over time - and remove the set ideas & habits that block out who we truly are. This will, over time, help us to recognise what 'we are not' and enable freedom for us to live as the person we truly desire to be. 

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