Monday, 8 June 2015

A Question of Fat Loss


Eating and drinking certain types of foods and beverages will add extra weight and create larger fat stores on the body. Understanding why we have weight gain and what causes it is pretty straight forward. We essentially consume more calories (energy) than the energy we use up. Basically - we take on too much fuel and the excess gets stored around our bodies. Understanding what types of fuel are best for filling us up, keeping us fuller for longer and for building/repairing muscles will help with how we look and feel.

A common mis-understanding about fat is that we gain and lose 'fat' - this isn't strictly true. We all have fat cells. Women tend to have more than men and they are found around organs and under the skin. Fat cells are essentially storage devices for energy. They do not get 'lost' or 'burned' - they expand or contract as the energy contents are used (burned) or stored. Depending on the types of exercise we do and fuel we take in to our bodies, will determine how our bodies perform and how we look or feel. Understanding how fat cells work and why certain diets do not work in the long run will teach us the smartest ways to train our body in order to keep weight down, tone the muscles and decrease fat storage.

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