Wednesday 23 September 2015

Not Good Enough


Some people have an over-inflated perception of their abilities. They are usually the ones who speak up the most in meetings, talking over the top of others and pushing through ideas not nearly as well thought out as those who are quietly sitting back, often afraid to speak up because they have a lower opinion of their own capabilities.

Impostor Syndrome
This is a common affliction that many women in high-powered positions seem to get, which I'm sure a lot of men also have too, but just don't talk about it as much.

I find myself being more modest than I should be and with some serious time for reflection this year, I can see where my expertise has been tucked away from view - even from myself.

This is very likely why I haven't had enough praise to reinforce the fact that I am bloody good at what I do. Some 'unsung hero' modesty is great for gaining respect as nobody likes the show-off but we all need to advertise/market our worth more if we want all the fame and fortune that it can potentially bring us. There are many well known business leaders and famous personalities out there that are constantly living in fear they will be found out for being a fraud.

There are some clever ways that we can deal with these inner Demons. One method is to speak up about these insecurities, which in turn, will help us take control of these fears of being a fraudster and help us to tackle the crippling self-doubt face on.

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