Wednesday 2 September 2015

Lessening The Memory Of Burden


When we're woking on something tough like carrying a heavy load (which I've just been doing in a house move), it works best if we get the heaviest items out of the way first. Once the weight drops down and the boxes become lighter - even though the boxes are still heavy - the feeling of doing something so arduous decreases and we are actually left at the outset, with the memory of a task that wasn't so bad after all.

The Peak End Rule
Finishing on a high or a lesser pain, means we hold on to a positive memory of something, even if it was potentially an arduous or unpleasant experience. The Peak-End Rule explains how our minds work when we go through an experience where the ending is good or better than at the start. It's why every difficult experience should have a treat at the end which was a cold pint of beer in the sun on this occasion!

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