Wednesday 3 June 2015



Making something look premium is pretty easy if you know how. Selecting the right colours, typefaces, language, mode of delivery and environment it's delivered in, can all sway a consumer to invest that few pennies more in a product. 

We are all being sold to
Everything we do, every day, in all walks of life, we're being coerced - and for want of a better word... 'tricked' into parting with our money. Some products may be better quality than others but quite often, we find that some items will actually be inferior to other products but appear more valuable by simply having a stronger marketing/advertising appeal.

It really does boil down to the power of the advertising. And with food, it's the packaging that works so well. Take this example from packaging agency Design Group Italia, who have done a great job with Lays Crisps. Look at this product subjectively without packaging around it. Crisps or potato chips, are just slices of potato fried in oil. But put them in a gold foil bag with classy black and gold outer packaging, a signature-esque 'Gourmet' script/font, descriptive terms like 'exquisite' or 'excellence' and some quality photography & layout design to further instil a premium feel. Voila, you now have an expensive fried potato.

It's knowing when the premium products really are what they say they are and not just jazzed up with packaging, that we can make better choices. So, are crisps really as gourmet as this pack of crisps say they are? No. But we are all easily hoodwinked when it comes to a bit of jazzy wrapping - even on a pretty simple (but tasty) product, like a bag of crisps. Once we realise this, we can understand where clever marketing draws on our inner desires, address this addictive behaviour and beat our impulse buys.

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