Monday 29 June 2015

Role Play Games


The game of life is a tactical role play game with an element of luck thrown in. And just like reality - it can be played out in a fantasy realm like those found in Dungeons & Dragons adventures.

To play this game, one must work out what their game character is by answering an extensive set of character-defining questions. Then, based on some real psychological foundations, these characters and their skills are analysed to understand their role fitting within the game's fantasy alignments. I never played these games at school - in fact, I picked on the kids that did. I wish I'd never done that but bully or be bullied was how you survived. So, I missed out on something that seems a lot of fun and very creative to play and although I had nobody to play it with, I took the character test.

Chaotic Neutral Human Sorcerer (6th Level)
Very interesting. It's the truthful answers I gave and the resulting character's game characteristics that seem to have spurred me on to look at some inspiring topics that I would not have searched for otherwise. Consequently, the game has weirdly helped to show me a bit more of my likely character traits but also reflected in a real world situation. This fantasy game has helped me embark on a worthy mission, resulting in me signing two political petitions, donating money to a worthy cause, sharing some important videos/messages that need to be heard by EVERYONE and inspired me to embark on a quest of discovery. Hence, I've since been taking important political decisions on topics I feel passionate about. And I had never thought about politics at all before now - or about getting involved myself so enthusiastically before taking this fantasy test.

The creator of Dungeons & Dragons, Gary Cygax, was a real visionary in game role play. I would never have believed doing the Character test would have motivated me in the real world - but playing games IS key to playing life - just as I've realised before now. So, although this test was for a game scenario, these character descriptions have in some strange way, prompted me to consider what my place in society is and encouraged me to look at some of the issues we're facing with our battles in the non-fantasy world.

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