Tuesday 16 June 2015

Rising To The Challenge


Rising to the challenge every morning has taken on an extra meaning for me these days. Getting out of bed to do something physically challenging like boxing - before most have even thought about getting out of bed, has given me a new strength of character and ability to take a lot of lesser taxing challenges on the chin without a wobble, throughout the day. 

Agreeing to commit to this morning's challenge with my boxing trainer and most importantly - keeping this commitment with myself - when I could so very easily have taken a few more hours in bed, has meant other aspects in my life have also been set in concrete. It's tough training but by following it through consistently and always taking the challenge, means other tough challenges have also been risen up to - and taken face on. 

Daily Discomfort
My partner and I now stick to a morning exercise routine every day - come rain or shine. It's usually at 5.30am and involves some tough physical challenges like sustained planks. Sometimes, after a late night with a little too much alcohol involved, it can make this challenge even more uncomfortable than it usually is. It's on these occasions that the extra effort to complete these exercises really strengthens our resolve. By sticking to the plan even though the mind has been telling us not to and having discomfort at such an early point in the day - lays down strong foundations for dealing with whatever the rest of the day throw at us. Chances are, as the discomfort becomes tolerated enough over time, a toughness will be built up meaning everything following on from that will feel like a breeze in comparison!

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