Saturday, 11 July 2015

The Robot Human


We are biological robots. We start off in this world with basic programming which we learn to master with the help of our parents. We then have other children and teachers at school to top-up the learning process and eventually we are set free to take this programmed human being out into the wider world where we bolt on our own extra software enhancements to make us capable of functioning in society. 

The Robot v Human
Knowing how and when to operate in the rational, logical programme mode is essential to getting on with other people in every day situations. We have been programmed to act a certain way from a very young age. Being polite, patient and considerate to others has been instilled - hard-coded in. It is not a natural trait to be unselfish and hence why we engage our practised mind to make us act correctly for better coping around others - especially in a work environment. We become like a programmed robot.

The problem with always having a pre-thought programme running, is that we never really get to enjoy the moment we're in. Allowing the times for us to be in a more 'child-like' curious, adventurous and creative state will enable us to have a freedom to be with others in a much more free state of being. And if we've given enough time to develop the robot, or rational side of our brains, we can be assured that the underline robot mind will stop us from coming too far out of our playful state to cause any harm to ourselves or others. It's essentially having the robot/parent state set up in a way that allows us to live as humans - playful, inquisitive and fun beings that we are.

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