Monday, 28 December 2015

Little Sparks


Walking to a local pub yesterday, we stumbled upon a really cool open mic music event. 

This local pub has a nice feel about it, a bit of a last bastion in a town where many of the old haunts have been converted into Chinese/Indian restaurants or taken over by supermarket chains like Tesco. But the pub, which was itself converted from a working mill at one time, would not be able to survive with only the regular punters coming in and spending their money. 

This is where bringing that something extra in to the pub helps to draw in the non-regular crowd. 

The music night featured a mixed bag of music lovers with a fair to middling range of talent, but at the core of the event was the little gem, the very reason the music event was even happening. This girl was the creative spark. She was the heart of the gathering holding it all together and making it that much more than just a smattering of bedroom rock stars. 

We can see these little sparks if we look close enough. When we get that feeling we're witnessing something great that they'll 'pop' out from the crowd. They are the diamonds in the rough - those special people that inspire others to greatness.

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